We hope everyone has a relaxing and very enjoyable holiday. Thank you to the efforts and hard work every day of every person, including you on this Labor Day.
Check out our latest release with enhancements to some existing functionality and the introduction of some awesome new features you shouldn’t miss!
Sometimes write-off’s are needed and when that time comes you may need to do it in bulk. If you have a number of accounts to write off our latest release includes this Write Off & Close functionality.
We want to make you aware that this Sunday, April 25th at 1:00 AM Est there will be scheduled down time for up to 5 hours.
We will be using this time to do system maintenance to our infrastructure in order to continuously improve system performance.
To ensure uptime and stability of the platform, we are performing this upgrade to our infrastructure at this time.
During this maintenance window, NikoHealth will be inaccessible.
The Patient Items page has been updated with the ability to enter notes on inventoried items and addition of the Current Items tab.
Current Items
- Here you will see any items that were delivered to a patient from your inventory that have not been picked-up.
- Any notes entered on the item during the delivery will reflect here. In addition you can add or edit a note as needed.
Inventoried Item History
- Here you will see the history of any deliveries and or pick-ups for any inventoried items for the specific patient.
Non-Inventoried Item History
- Here you will see the history of any deliveries for any non-inventoried items for the specific patient.
Dropship History
- Here you will see the history of any shipments from any dropship vendors for the specific patient.
Addition of Notes to Point of Sale Transaction
You can now enter a note on an item during a point of sale transaction. This note will display on the specific item under current items tab of the patients profile.
Brick-And-Mortar Sales made simpler with new features now available for Point of Sale transactions.
With new features allowing you to streamline operations including easier product selection, updated shopping cart experience, pricing and discount enhancements, payment collection and more.
New Electronic Payer Claim Options
The functionality to support additional provider identifiers is now available. Certain payers may require additional provider specific identifiers when submitting electronic claims.
You can add this information under;
Management/Billing/Billing Providers
- Select the Billing Provider you wish to edit
- Click on the Options tab
Here you can select the Payer and or Plan you wish to add additional identifiers for.
The following Provider Numbers can be added:
- Provider Commercial Number ( EDI G2 Loop)
- Location Number (EDI LU Loop)
- Provider UPIN Number (EDI 1G Loop)
- State License Number (EDI 0B Loop)
We are excited to announce the functionality to now support workers compensation & property and casualty electronic claims.
For insurance claims involving a disability where a specified patient’s condition and related date or time period needs to be reported you can now add this information to the claim;
- Open the invoice for the claim you are working on.
- Click on the Insurance tab and click on the payer you would like to add additional claim information to.
- Click on the pencil located on the upper right hand corner, and you will see the condition block appear.
- Here you can indicate the condition and related information.
Please note in a future release we will support the attachment of documentation with electronic claims processing.
Vendor Management is now available.
You can now manage your Vendors by inventory location. To do so you can go to the Management/Inventory/Locations/select a location:
- Click the Vendor Accounts tab. Here you can select a Vendor from the drop down and add the account number associated with a specific location. This vendor account number will appear on purchase orders created with this inventory location.
In addition you are now able to add vendors to your products in your catalog. To do so you can go to Management/Inventory/Catalog/select a product:
- Once you select a product you can click on the vendors tab. Here you can add one or multiple vendors that you may purchase this item from along with the associated SKU. This information will be used when creating a purchase order for this product.
Inventory Par Levels
We have introduced inventory par level management. This functionality allows you to manage your inventory levels by location so that when the minimum amount of inventory needed to meet demand from your customers is met, your team can restock the shelves. To manage Par Level Rules you can go to: Management/Inventory/Locations:
Here you can select an inventory location and click on the Par Level Rules tab.
You can add a par level rule for a specific product by clicking on the +Add Par Level Rule
- You can select one or multiple products when adding a rule
- For each par level rule you must indicate the Vendor, Par Qty, and Purchase Order Qty. The vendor will be used on the purchase order for the product. The Par Qty is the minimum stock count of this item that will be calculated to create a purchase order. The Purchase Order Qty is the amount of the item that you would like to purchase when the par level minimum is met.
Ordering Cycle
Since different items may hit Par Level minimums at different times, we have introduced the concept of ordering cycle. This allows you to indicate how often you want purchase orders created for items that have met the minimum par qty. You can change the ordering cycle according to your preference or indicate the next scheduled date you wish purchase orders to be created.
Automated Purchase Orders
Par Level rules along with automated purchase orders is a great way to ensure your inventory levels sustain demand from your customers. If you decide to use the Par Level functionality, the system will create automated purchase orders according to the Par Level rules defined.
Whether you choose to use the automated purchase order functionality or create a purchase order on demand, the purchase orders now have;
- Vendor Information
- Shipping Information Including Location Specific Vendor Account Number
- You can print a purchase order or generate it as a PDF to email it to your vendor. When you receive the items you can use this purchase order to scan against to fulfill it.
Claim Filing Indicator is now available on the payer plan level.
The current payer setup configuration has been updated with the introduction of :
Plan Level Claim Filing Indicator
- The claim filing indicator is now available on the plan level. If you have a payer where different plans may need to be billed with different claim filing indicators, you can now select the appropriate one under Management/Billing/Payers/Plans
- Here you can select the payer you wish to modify and under the plans tab add or edit a plan with the claim filing indicator needed.
Claim Office Number
- Some payers may require you to submit an additional identifier known as the claim office number when submitting claims electronically. If a payer requires an additional identification number other than what is provided in the NM109 of loop 2010BB, you can use this segment (FY).
- This is available on the payer level or the payer plan level if needed.
Addition of fields in the invoice detail report
We updated Invoice Detail Report based on our customers’ latest feedback. You can now add or filter by “Rendering Provider”, “Modified by” and “Created by” in Invoice Details report.
In addition the following fields have been renamed:
- “Modified” has been renamed to “Modified On”
- “Created” has been renamed to to “Created On”